20 days.nothing special,sleep 12 hours a day,2 meals,and recited 20 words.it looks all right and i feel much loose.maybe i will never have such long holidys..
Sometimes i felt it`s huge waste,such long time i just sleep and reading .but parhaps i really need that.listening muise,memory some sick words,struggle with the cold,they are what i did in thelast 20 days..
Tedious but relaxing,and just one thing is different.i felt i done will in the adjustment of my role.maybe it`s just simply back to before.but some unexpected things just bring me back to jumble.i dont know why i go back and thinking that silly minds.i try to shy away and i thought i almost did that.something i just feel sick of it,and try estronge from someone just for loose myself.what am i looking for ? i cant exactly express..
Without something important for me, i find no sence for life.i dont believe destiny but fact always move my mind. it`s tough,not just for me,but i hope my emotion is just mercy.doing thing without expectation should be a nice route for me..
Outline of American Pop Culture-Basketball

A. Opening Sentence: Michael Jordan, the basketball god. he is legendary.
B. Thesis: Basketball is a very popular sports in the world.

A. First Topic Sentence: NBA-National Basketball Association is the best league in the world.
1. Support/Detail: NBA has large numbers of great and best players.
2. Support/Detail: NBA has many sponsor and abundant funds.
3. Support/Detail: NBA is the best league than other country's league.
4. Transition Sentence: There have another type basketball also very popular in the world.

3. Second Body Paragraph

A. Second Topic Sentence: Streetball is a very popular game worldwide.
1. Support/Detail: Streetball is a less formal variant of basketball played on playgrounds and everywhere .
2. Support/Detail: Streetball doesn't have many rules, it is freestyle basketball.
3. Support/Detail: A lot of NBA players love streetball

A. Third Topic Sentence: Basketball also very popular in china.
1. Support/Detail: In china, there have a very popular online game called Freestyle
2. Support/Detail: Chinese students love basketball.
5. Conclusion
A. Summarize three main points: Basketball is a very popular sport in the world, it has 2 different type, and now basketball fashionable worldwide.
B. Restate Topic: Basketball is the one of the most popular sports in the world.
Comprehension"First Person: Teacher and Student"
1. What did Carol Baum want to do for her students in her Advanced English as a Second Language class?
He wanted to give her students the workload for class and tead students book.
2. Why wasn't the English class doing well at first ?
Because her students think the reading is too hard.
3.What happened to get the students interested in the class?
He talk about her exprience and story. Let students share their story.
4. Why does the teacher admire her student?
He heard her students exprience and story.
5.What is the main idea of this reading?
To being a international student is not easy and teacher is very important for international students.
He wanted to give her students the workload for class and tead students book.
2. Why wasn't the English class doing well at first ?
Because her students think the reading is too hard.
3.What happened to get the students interested in the class?
He talk about her exprience and story. Let students share their story.
4. Why does the teacher admire her student?
He heard her students exprience and story.
5.What is the main idea of this reading?
To being a international student is not easy and teacher is very important for international students.
Case Study Report - A Question of Interpretation
1. Statement of the Problem
A. Definition: A question of interpretation
B. Analysis: A international student from mainland china. She study in U.S. Her English is not at a high level, so sometimes she does not understand what other people are saying and there have a misunderstanding between she and her teacher.
2. Suggestion of Possible Solutions
A. Solution 1: learn more English, for example, speaking and listening.
B. Solution 2: talk with her teacher.
C. Solution 3: to find some Chinese students who good at English to help her.
3. Evaluation of Possible Solutions
A. Solution 1
1. Advantages: it can improve her English ability.
2. Disadvantages: it will take her many times and influence her other class.
B. Solution 2
1. Advantages: it can help her to solve the misunderstanding between she and her teacher.
2. Disadvantages: if her English ability still not very good that misunderstanding still have.
C. Solution 3
1. Advantages: it is a good and easy way to let her understanding what her teacher is saying.
2.Disadvantages: she can not always rely on her friends or other Chinese who good at English.
4. Selection of a Solution
A. Choice: to find some Chinese students who good at English to help her and improve her English ability.
B. Justification: to find some Chinese students who good at English to help her, it is very useful. It can help her to understand what her teacher is saying. And she also need improve her English ability, because she can not always rely on her friends.
A. Definition: A question of interpretation
B. Analysis: A international student from mainland china. She study in U.S. Her English is not at a high level, so sometimes she does not understand what other people are saying and there have a misunderstanding between she and her teacher.
2. Suggestion of Possible Solutions
A. Solution 1: learn more English, for example, speaking and listening.
B. Solution 2: talk with her teacher.
C. Solution 3: to find some Chinese students who good at English to help her.
3. Evaluation of Possible Solutions
A. Solution 1
1. Advantages: it can improve her English ability.
2. Disadvantages: it will take her many times and influence her other class.
B. Solution 2
1. Advantages: it can help her to solve the misunderstanding between she and her teacher.
2. Disadvantages: if her English ability still not very good that misunderstanding still have.
C. Solution 3
1. Advantages: it is a good and easy way to let her understanding what her teacher is saying.
2.Disadvantages: she can not always rely on her friends or other Chinese who good at English.
4. Selection of a Solution
A. Choice: to find some Chinese students who good at English to help her and improve her English ability.
B. Justification: to find some Chinese students who good at English to help her, it is very useful. It can help her to understand what her teacher is saying. And she also need improve her English ability, because she can not always rely on her friends.
Case Study Report - Coming to North American
1. Statement of the Problem
A. Definition: Culture Shock
B. Analysis: A girl from Indonesian that study in the America. She got lot of problem about American culture. Her life was very bad and she was unhappy. She wanted to give up and come back to her country.
2. Suggestion of Possible Solutions
A. Solution 1: Take part in more social events.
B. Solution 2: Wait for advisor to come back.
C. Solution 3: Give up and go back home.
3. Evaluation of Possible Solutions
A. Solution 1
1. Advantages: It can help her make more new friends, help her to know and learn more American culture.
2. Disadvantages: It needs many free times.
B. Solution 2
1. Advantages: Advisor can help her to solve the problems and give her some advices.
2. Disadvantages: she does not know when advisor come back.
C. Solution 3
1. Advantages: It can solve all problem.
2.Disadvantages: If give up and go back, it means she give up her dream and she is a loser.
4. Selection of a Solution
A. Choice: Take part in more social events.
B. Justification: Maybe it need a lot of free times, but she can spend her weekend to take part in social events. It can help her to meet lot people and make more new friends. She can talk with some people and know American culture and learn it.
A. Definition: Culture Shock
B. Analysis: A girl from Indonesian that study in the America. She got lot of problem about American culture. Her life was very bad and she was unhappy. She wanted to give up and come back to her country.
2. Suggestion of Possible Solutions
A. Solution 1: Take part in more social events.
B. Solution 2: Wait for advisor to come back.
C. Solution 3: Give up and go back home.
3. Evaluation of Possible Solutions
A. Solution 1
1. Advantages: It can help her make more new friends, help her to know and learn more American culture.
2. Disadvantages: It needs many free times.
B. Solution 2
1. Advantages: Advisor can help her to solve the problems and give her some advices.
2. Disadvantages: she does not know when advisor come back.
C. Solution 3
1. Advantages: It can solve all problem.
2.Disadvantages: If give up and go back, it means she give up her dream and she is a loser.
4. Selection of a Solution
A. Choice: Take part in more social events.
B. Justification: Maybe it need a lot of free times, but she can spend her weekend to take part in social events. It can help her to meet lot people and make more new friends. She can talk with some people and know American culture and learn it.
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